Contact Lens Fitting
At Sercombe and Matheson, we think we're good at providing glasses that look good and feel great, but we also think that most glasses wearers would enjoy having contact lenses as well. Even if you love your specs, you'll still appreciate the excellent peripheral vision that you'll get with contact lenses and that they don't fog up or slide off when you exercise or get wet when it rains. For "contact" sports wearing contact lenses means you'll avoid damaging your glasses or having your glasses damage you.
We fit disposable and custom-made lenses in both soft and rigid materials. Custom-made lenses tend to be used for high prescriptions and unusual eye conditions such as keratoconus. Finding the right contact lens for you requires expert professional advice and skill, and that's where an appointment with one of our optometrists is invaluable. The choice of lens is influenced by physical factors such as the size and shape of your cornea, the strength of your prescription, the quality of your tear film and the health of the eye surface; other considerations are how often you want to wear your lenses, how much cleaning you want to do and cost.
Contact Sercombe and Matheson if you would like to make an appointment or if you would like us to send you our contact lens fitting information sheet.
Purchasing Contact Lenses
We sell contact lenses as well as fitting them. We stock Dailies Total 1 90 packs (our favourite contact lens) at Featherston Streetfor immediate purchase and we order other varieties as required. Most lenses can be delivered directly to you and we have a direct debit programme which you'll find particularly good value.
Contact Sercombe and Matheson to find out more.
Ten things every contact lens wearer should remember:
- Wash your hands before handling your lenses.
- Use fresh solution every time you store your lenses.
- Keep the tops on your solution bottles.
- Replace your lens case regularly.
- If you haven't worn your lenses in the last month, soak them in fresh solution before you wear them.
- Use artificial tears when your lenses get dry.
- Don't wear your lenses if they're persistently uncomfortable.
- Don't wear other people's lenses.
- Consult your optometrist when you have a contact lens problem.
- Eye infections are potentially sight-threatening. Adhering to points 1 to 9 will help prevent eye infections.